Wicked Pro-Homopervert "Education" [Indoctrination] Centers?
Mat Staver [Liberty Counsel] Has An Answer:
From the desk of: Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman, Liberty Counsel
As a nation, we are long overdue in demanding that our fundamental liberties be fully honored in
government-controlled public schools - and in stopping the Orwellian tactics leftists and pro-homosexual activists are using to undermine our values in tax-funded classrooms!
Please see my message below as I explain Liberty Counsel's initial steps in an aggressive new approach to protect our children from the outrageous indoctrination taking place in public schools all across America (- Mat).
Vladimir Lenin said, "Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted."
Lenin knew this subversive strategy worked. Today, American leftists and radical groups promoting "alternative lifestyles" also know it. And agenda-driven educators in our public schools know it, too.
Misguided activists are doing everything in their power to push their "alternative" agendas while
undermining the rights of freedom loving, God-fearing Americans.
These days, hundreds of legal cases on these issues emerge from schools every year. Instigated by ultraliberal
activists, pro-homosexual radicals, and anti-religious organizations like the American Civil Liberties Union
(ACLU), such cases arise from the bullying of school systems, teachers, educators, and parents.
Increasingly, the attacks come through unlawful "consent decrees," intimidation, and blatant misinformation campaigns. Other times, legal cases arise from a simple misunderstanding of the law by a school administrator or an agenda-driven educator who is either ignorant or unappreciative of America's constitutionally guaranteed liberties.
Liberty Counsel has handled several hundreds of these cases over the years.
That's why we developed an invaluable resource compiled through decades of experience defending the rights of
educators, students, administrators, and community members from radical activists who want to subvert our precious freedom of religious expression in public settings.
The "Patriot's Handbook of Religious Freedom in Public Schools" is a must-have reference that should be providing guidance in every school in America!
With your help, we can make that happen!
++ There are nearly 100,000 public schools in America. Here's the plan!
We are undertaking a bold initiative by committing to send 20,000 Patriot's Handbooks to 10,000 schools by
October 31st. But our long-term goal is to place these powerful Handbooks in every public school in America
before the 2012-2013 school year begins next August!
But we cannot achieve this vital goal without your help!
Please sponsor at least ten schools to receive this valuable resource.
Through our bulk mail processing center, we can ship 2 books to a school for $3.00. That means,
for your sponsorship gift of $30, we can send two copies of the "Patriot's Handbook of Religious
Freedom in Public Schools" to 10 schools!
Imagine the impact this campaign could have! We know that if a school principal and assistant principal in each of our nation's nearly 100,000 public schools had this Handbook, there would be FAR fewer incidents of radical activists successfully bullying administrators!
Your sponsorship of a school could make a profound difference in that school. It could mean an appropriate prayer before an event...or the ability to display the Ten Commandments in a classroom...or the empowering of a teen to stand up to an educator and say that they believe homosexuality is wrong...or even the simple acknowledgement of the true meaning of the Christmas season.
++ Your gift will ensure that each school you sponsor will receive two Patriot's Handbooks.
Click here now to make that possible:
As I've written many times before, the situation in our public schools has devolved to the point that it is
difficult to believe what is taking place.
It is truly frightening that many public schools have become breeding grounds for religious intolerance;
cesspools of leftist indoctrination; cauldrons of ideas and teachings that poison the minds of our children and
young adults; vehicles for transforming young people's cultural and moral standards; engines designed to turn
students away from the ethics being taught in a majority of American homes.
But here is the liberating truth:
American's rights are not left at the schoolhouse door!
Click here to help us begin reaching every public school in America with free copies of our powerful Handbook. Or
click here to find out how you can obtain multiple copies to give to other parents, students, Bible study classes, or even your school administrators:
God bless you as you help take back our tax-funded schools!
Mathew D. Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
P.S. Getting Liberty Counsel's "Patriot's Handbook of Religious Freedom in Public Schools" to school administrators is an extremely bold initiative. That's why we are starting with 10,000 schools. Please consider sponsoring ten schools - or many more!
Thank you and God bless you!
Comments? Questions?
Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and
policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.
Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 [800-671-1776]
Liberty Counsel
PO 277
Maxwell, IA 50161
Last week, Dakota Ary was issued an in-school suspension for stating in the classroom that he believes homosexuality is wrong because of his Christian faith.
Dakota was in Kristopher Franks' German language class when the topic of homosexuality arose. Dakota said to one of his classmates, "I'm a Christian and, to me, being homosexual is wrong." Franks overheard the comment, wrote Dakota up for an infraction, and sent him to the principal's office.
Franks charged Dakota with "possible bullying" and indicated, "It is wrong to make such a statement in public school."
Prior to Dakota's comment, Franks had displayed a picture of two men kissing on an in-class "World Wall" and told the students that homosexuality is becoming more prevalent in the world and that they should just accept it.
Dakota didn't "just accept it." Instead, he chose to state his belief on the issue. Later, his family contacted Liberty Counsel for legal help.
My Liberty Counsel team sent a demand letter to the school calling for full vindication and a full retraction of the suspension. Matthew Krause, Litigation Counsel for Liberty Counsel in Texas, then met with school officials. The school district reversed the in-school suspension and placed Franks on administrative leave with pay.
We are pleased with the school's response thus far.
Mr. Franks clearly crossed the line. Teachers cannot use their position to bully students and humiliate them in front of their peers or force their views about homosexuality on their students!
It wasn't the so-called "separation of church and state" that was violated, as Franks alluded to in the discipline referral form. It was Dakota's First Amendment rights that were clearly violated!
Once the school's administration gained that understanding, they quickly reversed their decision.
This case is a clear example of why I believe the Liberty Counsel's "Patriot's Handbook of Religious
Freedom in Public Schools" is a must-have reference that should be providing guidance in EVERY SCHOOL in America!
++ There are nearly 100,000 public schools in America. Here's my plan!
We are undertaking a bold initiative by committing to send 20,000 Patriot's Handbooks to 10,000 schools by October 31st. But our long-term goal is to place these powerful Handbooks in every public school in America before the 2012-2013 school year begins next August!
But we cannot achieve this vital goal without your help!
Through our bulk mail processing center, we can ship 2 books to a school for $3.00. That means, for your
sponsorship gift of $30, we can send two copies of the "Patriot's Handbook of Religious Freedom in Public
Schools" to 10 schools!
We have good contact information and the names of principals in each school you will sponsor. Click here now to sponsor ten schools, a hundred schools - or even more!
The cost of getting these 20,000 invaluable handbooks into 10,000 schools is $30,000. As of this writing, we have more than 2,000 schools sponsored - 20 percent of our goal!
I need 800 more Liberty Counsel team members to sponsor at least ten schools to receive this valuable resource!
Please consider becoming one of those 800 thoughtful, pro-liberty Americans to help us meet this important goal!
++ Our rights are not void inside the schoolhouse!
Imagine how many other students there are in classrooms across the country who are being ridiculed for their
Christian faith and beliefs - who are being taught by misguided teachers that they cannot express or demonstrate
their Christian views in class or on school grounds without facing suspension or expulsion.
Misguided activists are doing everything in their power to push their "alternative lifestyle" agendas while
undermining the rights of freedom loving, God-fearing Americans!
Consider two recent Liberty Counsel cases: In Santa Rosa County, Florida, teachers were charged criminally for praying at an off-site school-sponsored event. Then, just a few months ago, Jerry Buell, a Florida "Teacher of the Year," was suspended for opposing same-sex "marriage" on a social site, on his own personal home computer,
outside of school. Our Liberty Counsel litigators successfully defended these educators who were simply exercising their own constitutionally-guaranteed freedom of speech.
These days, hundreds of legal cases on these issues emerge from schools every year. Instigated by ultraliberal
activists, pro-homosexual radicals, and anti-religious organizations like the American Civil Liberties Union
(ACLU), such cases arise from the bullying of school systems, teachers, educators, and parents.
Imagine the impact our powerful campaign could have! We know that if a school principal and assistant principal
in each of our nation's nearly 100,000 public schools had this Handbook, there would be FAR fewer incidents of
radical activists successfully bullying administrators!
Your gift will ensure that each school you sponsor will receive two Patriot's Handbooks.
Click here now to make that possible:
Your sponsorship of a school could make a profound difference in that school. It could mean an appropriate prayer before an event...or the ability to display the Ten Commandments in a classroom...or the empowering of a teen to stand up to an educator and say that they believe homosexuality is wrong...or even the simple acknowledgement of the true meaning of the Christmas season.
Please join me in this important campaign!
As a nation, we are long overdue in demanding that our fundamental liberties be fully honored in government-
controlled public schools - and in stopping the Orwellian tactics leftists and pro-homosexual activists are using to undermine our values in tax-funded classrooms!
We will not cater to two-faced radicals who call for "tolerance" and yet will not tolerate a dissenting opinion if it comes from a religious viewpoint - especially in our public schools.
The "Patriot's Handbook of Religious Freedom in Public Schools" belongs in every school in America!
Daniel, please consider becoming one of the 800 team members I need right now to get two of these booklets
onto the desks of administrators in another 8,000 schools in order to meet our initial goal by October 31st.
God bless you as you help take back our tax-funded schools!
Mathew D. Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
P.S. Dakota Ary fought back! We must empower others to do the same. We must help misguided administrators to gain legal understanding. Getting Liberty Counsel's "Patriot's Handbook of Religious Freedom in Public Schools" to these school administrators is an excellent first step.
That's why we are starting with 10,000 schools. Please consider sponsoring ten schools - or many more!
Thank you and God bless you!
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
'A child should be "certified" to be born to two fathers when a homosexual "marriage" license is involved.'
That's what homosexual activists demanded before they were handed a well-deserved defeat in federal court!
The details of this case illustrate the Pandora's Box of disastrous consequences that emerge when we give legal recognition to unnatural relationships.
The U.S. Supreme Court just refused to review an important ruling from the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals involving natural marriage and family, thus allowing the appellate court's pro-family decision to stand. That's great news for marriage and the family.
Liberty Counsel filed an extensive amicus brief in this key case and we have been closely watching its progress.
The case involved unmarried same-sex partners in New York who unsuccessfully sued to change an adopted boy's Louisiana birth certificate to state that the child had two fathers!
Apparently, the homosexual couple thought it important to get the birth certificate changed to affirm facts which are biologically impossible.
But the ruling by the 16 judges of the Fifth Circuit refusing to force Louisiana to alter the birth record stopped the homosexuals' sad effort at "historic revisionism."
This decision is a huge victory for the natural family and for states to protect marriage and family, and Liberty Counsel is very pleased to have helped obtain it.
Here are a few additional details in this bizarre saga:
Mickey Smith and Oren Adar, an unmarried, same-sex male couple, adopted a Louisiana-born infant in New York in 2006. They then sought to have the child's birth certificate reissued in Louisiana, replacing the names of his biological parents with their own.
The registrar refused the request, taking the position that "adoptive parents" means "married parents," because
in Louisiana only married couples may jointly adopt a child.
Adar and Smith sued the registrar, claiming that her decision denied full faith and credit to the New York adoption decree and violated their equal protection guarantees.
Tracing a long line of Supreme Court cases, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals explained that while Louisiana
cannot re-litigate whether the two properly adopted the child, the state is not required to enforce the adoption
contrary to Louisiana law.
Thus, the court ruled "the full faith and credit clause does not oblige Louisiana to confer particular benefits
on unmarried parents contrary to its law."
This ruling affirms the distinction between "recognizing" the existence of an out-of-state order, versus "enforcing" the out-of-state order.
In other words, one state that allows same-sex marriage or same-sex adoption cannot force another state to enforce such an out-of-state law or order against its own law.
This decision is a big victory against the relentless efforts of activists to export same-sex unions to states
that affirm the mother-father paradigm for the family unit. The Full Faith and Credit Clause can no longer be
used as a "bully club" to force states to redefine marriage and the family!
The survival of our [species] is at stake in battles like this.
The [attempt to impose] redefining of marriage and family by homosexual activists is perhaps the greatest "culture war" of our generation.
The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which defines marriage as between man and woman for federal purposes, also
declares that no state is required to recognize a same-gender relationship that has been declared a "marriage" in another state. That is a commonly overlooked, yet critical facet of the Act.
Yet, President Obama and his Attorney General, Eric Holder, have acted as both judge and jury in declaring
the DOMA law to be "unconstitutional" and "indefensible."
This law, passed in 1996, has already survived many strong court challenges. Barack Obama's dereliction of duty to defend DOMA is unconscionable!
Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
Pro-homosexual activists and their sympathizers are threatening anyone challenging their agenda - especially
when protests are voiced from a Christian viewpoint. Their threats usually involve accusations of "bullying,"
when in reality, it's moral Americans who are being bullied! This outrageous abuse can and must be stopped,
but I need your help. See my urgent message below.
We are seeing an alarming pattern develop in our public schools and other settings in which pro-homosexual activists demand that authorities defend their agenda. But closer reviews of complaints of "unfair treatment" usually tell a much different story...
It's the radicals who cite others for "bullying" that are the real bullies!
It's the activists who scream they want "tolerance" who are the most intolerant of opposing viewpoints!
It's the protestors demanding "equal rights" who are guilty of trampling on the rights of others!
This is happening all across America through the instigation of powerful pro-homosexual organizations that are encouraged by a sympathetic president, a left-leaning Senate, and deep-pocketed organizations like the ACLU.
These "change" agents' radical goal is to systematically reshape American laws and social structures while recruiting and indoctrinating our children and grandchildren.
The only way they can fully achieve their agenda is to squelch the voices of their opposition. We are seeing their tactics demonstrated at the very highest levels of government down to the grassroots level of our local public school systems.
For a moment, please imagine how many students there are in classrooms across the country who are being ridiculed for their Christian faith and beliefs - who are being taught by misguided teachers that they cannot express or demonstrate their Christian views or values in class or on school grounds without facing suspension or expulsion.
Homosexual activists are doing everything in their power to push their "alternative lifestyle" while
undermining the rights of freedom loving, God-fearing Americans!
These days, hundreds of legal cases on these issues emerge from schools every year. Instigated by ultraliberal activists, pro-homosexual radicals, and anti-religious organizations like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), such cases arise from the bullying of school systems, teachers, students, and parents.
Now, imagine the impact our powerful campaign can have! We know that if a school principal and assistant principal in each of our nation's nearly 100,000 public schools had this Handbook, there would be FAR fewer incidents of radical activists successfully bullying administrators!